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Athletics calendar received
Masilingi heating up nicely in Europa
1 Day Ago
Athletics calendar received
Ndawana off to a winning start with FFF
1 Week Ago
Athletics calendar received
Kuhn kicks off season with shot put record
2 Weeks Ago
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Opwindende atletiekseisoen vir 2025 voorspel
3 Weeks Ago
Athletics calendar received
QSB-atletiekkamp spog met wêreldklas afrigters
3 Weeks Ago
Athletics calendar received
The legacy of Quinton-Steele Botes lives on
1 Month Ago
Athletics calendar received
Denzel to bedazzle athletic fans with speed
2 Months Ago
Athletics calendar received
Brave Warriors tackle Cameroon
5 Months Ago
Athletics calendar received
Lahja's narrow miss a tough pill to swallow
5 Months Ago
Athletics calendar received
FFF awards N$85 000 in scholarships to NSSU stars
5 Months Ago
Athletics calendar received
Lahja now polished for Para Games
5 Months Ago
Athletics calendar received
Johannes to shine in third Para Games
5 Months Ago
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Afrika se Olimpiese medaljes in oënskou
5 Months Ago
Athletics calendar received
Latest Stories
Masilingi heating up nicely in Europa
1 Day Ago
Athletics calendar received
Ndawana off to a winning start with FFF
1 Week Ago
Athletics calendar received
Kuhn kicks off season with shot put record
2 Weeks Ago
Athletics calendar received
Opwindende atletiekseisoen vir 2025 voorspel
3 Weeks Ago
Athletics calendar received
QSB-atletiekkamp spog met wêreldklas afrigters
3 Weeks Ago
Athletics calendar received
The legacy of Quinton-Steele Botes lives on
1 Month Ago
Athletics calendar received
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Katima Mulilo: 20° | 21° Rundu: 19° | 24° Eenhana: 20° | 26° Oshakati: 21° | 28° Ruacana: 20° | 25° Tsumeb: 20° | 26° Otjiwarongo: 19° | 29° Omaruru: 21° | 33° Windhoek: 20° | 31° Gobabis: 19° | 28° Henties Bay: 19° | 23° Wind speed: 18km/h, Wind direction: W, Low tide: 09:10, High tide: 03:10, Low Tide: 21:20, High tide: 15:22 Swakopmund: 18° | 19° Wind speed: 16km/h, Wind direction: W, Low tide: 09:08, High tide: 03:08, Low Tide: 21:18, High tide: 15:20 Walvis Bay: 18° | 22° Wind speed: 18km/h, Wind direction: NW, Low tide: 09:08, High tide: 03:07, Low Tide: 21:18, High tide: 15:19 Rehoboth: 22° | 32° Mariental: 26° | 36° Keetmanshoop: 27° | 37° Aranos: 23° | 35° Lüderitz: 15° | 26° Ariamsvlei: 28° | 40° Oranjemund: 16° | 23° Luanda: 26° | 28° Gaborone: 19° | 27° Lubumbashi: 17° | 21° Mbabane: 17° | 25° Maseru: 14° | 28° Antananarivo: 18° | 26° Lilongwe: 19° | 26° Maputo: 21° | 30° Windhoek: 20° | 31° Cape Town: 19° | 27° Durban: 20° | 28° Johannesburg: 15° | 25° Dar es Salaam: 26° | 32° Lusaka: 18° | 19° Harare: 17° | 23° #VALUE! #VALUE!
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